New users come to your application and look through the descriptions screenshots. They are almost ready to download it. But when they see the reviews below, one can change their mind. The same thing happens with your app when the rating is less than 4.0. So, you need to manage app reputation. That is basically what SERM stands for.
What are the primary reasons to buy app reviews? There can be certain situations where you had problems with the application. They are gone with the latest updates, but some of the poor marks and feedback has left at your product page. You do not want to lose potential clients this time, so you can hide the old comments under the pile of new ones. If your application is one of these sensitive niches, competitors often order incentive reviews for your product with negative rates and client experience. Buying positive comments in response will quickly solve the issue and you will lose no clients from reputation risks.
Promote easily with app reviews
App reviews is a powerful tool for promotion too. You can create custom texts and insert the keywords you want to rank for. The search algorithm will give you additional positions at the market list and make your application visible. It is especially important with the brand requests of your competitors. You can not write them in your title or description if you do now want to be banned. But when you use them in reviews, comparing the functionality of your product with someone’s app, you show your advantages to the customer and get more positions by the brand searches.
Comments and trust at your application page is the reputation you build from day A of your business. So, you should learn how to buy app reviews to communicate a maximum of in-app experience and insights to the customers as possible. You should clearly understand that you can buy only 10-15 reviews per month to improve your app reputation. is a self-service platfrom for application promotion with keywords installs and search optimization.